Spread the word: Increase your brand awareness with content.

Awareness is very important for a brand, to succeed.

Jay Kalansooriya
4 min readJan 15, 2020


In today’s world, where there’s so much noise in any given market, it can be very difficult — not to mention confusing too — to build more brand awareness.

That’s why I’m bringing you this article. My main target in this article is to educate you about the different ways you can increase your brand awareness level, as well as the depth.

1. Build a branded content channel, and release valuable (and relevant) content consistently.

This is the most obvious tip. Yet I’ve seen a lot of brands and businesses, trying to build a name for them in the marketplace, without ever releasing a single piece of content, that’d serve their audience.

And sometimes, they try it with half of the equation; branded content channel, that lacks in consistency and value. In this case, they’re just doing it just for the sake of it.

What you need to understand is that you HAVE TO have ALL of them (branded content, consistency, and value) to at least break through the rest of the crowd in the marketplace.

But, that’s not all….

2. Release content in more than one form.

There are 4 basic types of content; written, graphic, audio, and video.

To stand out, you need at least 2 types of content, working for your brand.

Gone are the days when you could get away with having just a blog, that was updated a couple of times per month.

Now, with YouTube being the 2nd largest search engine, and podcasts becoming more and more popular with each passing day, one can no longer afford not to cash in on this uptrend.

As a matter of fact, people actually expect it from you, since it’s very easy to produce content nowadays, and the barrier of entry is non-existent.

3. Make the content as easily accessible as possible.

This means not putting any walls between the users and the content. This is especially because you’re still at the ‘brand awareness under construction’ stage, and you want to make it easier for new people to discover, and consume your content.

One of the best ways to do this is content distribution. Publish native content on multiple platforms, that are full of users and (their) attention. The important keyword to remember here is ‘native’. It means publishing a LinkedIn Pulse article on LinkedIn, and not just sharing your blog posts to it. That’s because algorithms always favor native content, over outbound links.

4. Collaborate. Collaborate. Collaborate.

Look. You can either go on your journey, alone, or you can team up with other people, and have an edge over a majority of the marketplace.

Think about it: When you create content solo, you’re alone. You’re also going to lose the opportunity, as well as the ability to tap into other perspectives and creativity, that can shape the content to what your audience wants.

Here are the 3 most basic reasons as to why content collaboration is beneficial for brands.

  1. It’s better — As marketers, we can create better content if we’re willing to partner with others who know the audience perhaps even better than we do.
  2. It’s faster — Most content marketing is a slow-growth strategy. But brands that partner with other brands see much more rapid success with the content they create.
  3. It’s cheaper — It’s much less expensive to share with other audiences than it is to advertise.

You don’t have to do any extreme and expensive actions, in order to utilize content collaboration. Just start with a simple blog post, based on an email exchange, Tweet exchange, or a DM conversation with a small-time influencer, in your niche.

5. Pick your most valuable highlights from your entire fleet of content, mash them up into a single piece of content, and promote it with paid ads.

This is the best way to promote your entire content inventory. It shows the viewers/readers that you have a massive collection of published content, that they’d find valuable.

It’s also a good way to show your audience that you (and your team) possess more than a decent amount of knowledge as well as experience, about the subject, giving your brand a huge boost.

Though this tactic is only effective when there’s more than a decent amount of content. So, you might want to hold off this one, until you have published a number of content pieces.

6. Whenever possible, reach out to do guest content.

This different from collaborations. This is reverse influencer marketing. That means YOU are approaching brands, with a value proposition, and get featured in their content and brand messages.

It allows you to leverage their (already established) audience, giving you an instant boost for your brand.

But, in order to do this, you actually have to be highly valuable for the brands you’ll be approaching. Also, you have to sort of ‘hard-sell’ your value to them.

These tactics will make sure that the growth of your brand awareness is increased in a very short time but in a healthy, stable, and consistent way.

Also, keep an eye out for anyone who shares your brand’s content and/or provides feedback. See what they have to say about it. This is because you have to make sure your content strategy actually meets your audience’s needs and builds a community.

